Dorji Lopen appoints new principal of Tali Shedra

23 January 2021| The Dorji Lopen of the Central Monastic Body appointed 40-year-old

Tshampa Karma Yonten from Sapho, Thimyul

Tshampa Karma Yonten as the new principal of Tali Shedra in Zhemgang today at the Punakha Dzong.

The new principal from Gangzur in Lhuentse joined the monkhood at the age of 13 in Lhuentse Rabdhey. He graduated from Tango University of Buddhist Studies and received various Buddhist teachings and empowerment from several religious masters.

He completed his three-year retreat (Losum-Choeksum) from Shaa Dechhencholing Drupdoe and also served as an Umzey in Lhuentse Rabdhey.

Prior to this appointment, he was at Kuenzang Dechhen Drupdoe in Thimphu reciting the whole volume of Kanjur Chhenpo.


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